What can I say, it's the adventures of Max and the wild things {except her name is really Lola}. What a cute halloween costume! Can you find the Wild thing in the pictures? Enjoy!
Piper Photography has gone festive! These are just a few modern holiday designs we have been working on, but book your holiday mini session today and either get rights to one image for holiday cards, or use one of Piper Photography custom designs for a session fee discount. Visit www.apiperphoto.com under "what we offer" for more info. Keep on the look out for more designs (or have a one of a kind designed just for your family!) Peace.
Okay, obviously I had a hard time choosing which photos to post of 9 month old Lola! Recently I photographed our friend's daughter with full creative control, which is rare and great! She was adorable in every picture and loved the big purple balloon! It had been raining for what it seems a month straight, so we did the shoot the first sunny day that was available. Enjoy!
Last weekend I got to photograph a wedding at Cheaha State Park! Apparently, the highest point in Alabama is there. Whitney and her now husband Shane were really easy going and wonderful to photograph! They were a beautiful couple. I've only edited half the pictures, but so far I love the sunset ones! They snuck out on a boardwalk 1/3 a mile long right after the ceremony to take pictures. Enjoy!
This is the beautiful 7 week old newborn named Kate I got to photograph recently. She was so tiny and didn't seem to mind the camera! It was a joy taking photos of her, she is so precious! I also really loved her baby nursery... tiffany blue! Here are a few of my favorites. Enjoy!